Your Personal Beauty Confidante
Does the thought of beauty result in overwhelming imposter syndrome and a good dose of comparisonitis?
I’M NOT SURPRISED! It’s a filter-filled jungle out there!
Well, don’t worry. I’ve got you, 100%. I can now solve all your beauty concerns, help you reinvent your look or guide you through a specific look from your own home, via Google Meet.
Is your schedule chaotic?
Is “me-time” a rare occurrence?
Are you stuck in a rut and ready to hit the refresh button on your look?
Ready to celebrate YOU?!
Then this package is for you!
Do you want to achieve a specific look but you’re not comfortable attempting it on your own?
Don’t have access to a makeup artist?
Unsure of how to adapt a specific look to compliment your unique features?
Let me guide you through the steps!
Do you have any targeted beauty related questions or concerns?
Would you like to learn about the most suitable tools and products for YOU?
Want to know which tips and tricks really work?
I’d be thrilled to advise you!
I’ve received mentorship from and worked alongside some of the best loved and celebrated creatives in the fashion and beauty industry. My work has been featured by top magazines, Marie Claire, Elle, Vogue, DEKAT, etc.
12 years ago a mentor told an overly made-up, younger me:
“You really shouldn’t wear that much
makeup, you know.
It makes you look so much older.”
Those words shaped my career.
I started celebrating my freckles, natural features and imperfections.
I implemented the same approach to my makeup artistry and the response was remarkable.
That’s what I want to offer you as well.
Let’s get you started!